With a population of more than 40,000, Phuentsholing is the second largest town of Bhutan. Due to it being located right next to the Indian border, it is the primary entry point for all Indian tourists who visit Bhutan via road. Until 2005, it was possible for travelers of all nationalities to visit Bhutan without a Visa, but now only Indian citizens are permitted without a visa into Bhutan.
Located in Phuentsholing, the Amo Chhu Crocodile Breeding Center is one of the most fascinating places to see in Bhutan. Other than that travelers can also visit places like Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang, Chukha Hydrothermal Project, and Karbandi Monastery.
Current temperature: 11 degrees
Experience type: Culture, Sightseeing
Ideal for: Families, Couples
Best time to visit: May to October
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